Using the Device

How to Use the App

After you've finished setting up the Aletheia Run App and creating an account, you're ready to use the Aletheia Run App with your Aletheia Sensor to record your force portraits.

  1. Open the Aletheia Run App
  2. The first time you use the Aletheia Run App, you'll see onboarding screens with what to expect and educational information about how to properly use your Aletheia sensor.
  3. The app's Home  tab displays: HOME, LIBRARY, RECORD, LEARN, and SETTINGS.

    Image of home tab.
  4. In the bottom navigation bar, tap on RECORD to pair the device with your smartphone or tablet. Once the device is paired, you can start recording your running sessions.

    Document image
  5. The LIBRARY tab gives you access to all previous sessions.

    Navigate Library
  6. The LEARN tab provides access to Project Dasein's knowledge base.

    Learn Tab
  7. The SETTINGS tab allows you to manage information about your account, running profile, sensor settings, and application preferences. This is where you can customize the app to suit your needs.

    Document image
  8. To share your force portraits with others, tap on the share icon at the top of a SPECIFIC RUN tab. From here, you can copy and save the portrait to your device, or share it via email, text, or social media.

    Share Icon